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Candace Cardinal and the Scary Lesson is published and on if you want to buy please review also.
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I wrote Candace Cardinal approximately 26 years ago. Note to future writers do not procrastinate. I thoroughly enjoy writing and plan to continue my writing career. I hope my readers like what they read and enjoy my storytelling through my books. Candace Cardinal is not the only children's book I have written and I hope to be bringing those books to you as well.
About the author
Melody Zomonski was unable to continue as the illustrator due to the
demands of her dynamic cake decorating business. She has given invaluable advice, consulting during the transition to the new illustrator in the creating of the artwork for the Candace Cardinal series.
She was offered a scholarship to an art school but chose a different way to express her artistic talent. Applying the love of art and baking was the perfect match. Check out her artistic cakes & cookies on her website or Facebook:
About the Illustrator